Partners may seem unpredictable still and seem to constantly surprise you with their antics, as you enter the New Year it is likely you will perceive them in a different light.  Liberation from the old is your key word for the moment; if you have been walking around in circles then it is time to take a less travelled route, the change of pace with prove fruitful.

Not all tears are because of a hurt and not all things that seem crazy are madness, sometimes by allowing yourself to experience something different, that you would normally sit in judgement of, can give you a whole new outlook. This is how you begin 2014 - with choices which can make you feel a little restless until you take the time to reflect on what holds real meaning for you.

Although you thrive on activity even you Gemini could be finding the speed at which things are now moving quite overwhelming.  The good news is it is a major sign that you have turned a corner and as one thing leads to another it is likely you will be doing some considerable travelling in the upcoming months.  Now you are swimming in the right lane, every stride you take will be supported.

There is still an element of stress in your life and you realize more than many the benefits and rarity of relaxation.  The beginning of 2014 gives you the opportunity to forge new partnerships and friendships, you are not meant to be alone and this year will show you this tenfold.  You will have an inner drive to accomplish all you can in the first part of the year and others will have a hard time saying ‘no’ to you.

There are many things that have been left unsaid and your instincts are willing you to say everything you have ever wanted to.  By delaying the inevitable who are you protecting?  Make sure that you have enough rest and relaxation as your energy levels may be lower than normal so the idea is to pace yourself.  There is a lot going on behind the scenes that will eventually work in your favour. 

You begin 2014 feeling slightly overworked and wondering if you have taken on too much but this all begins to fade as January takes hold.  Many of the restrictions that bogged you down in 2013 will leave you and you will find that you have much more personal freedom.  Others will be opening up to you and sharing more of their thoughts and feelings, some will be quite revealing and encourage you to reflect upon your own inner depths.

Say it as it is Libra.  I know you like beating around the bush or sitting on the fence but directness works a treat for you right now.  If you work on directing your energy and focusing your drive then the world is your oyster.  Recognition is yours to claim and those that doubted you will be surprised at the turn of events that are happening in your life.  This is a new beginning that you have worked and waited for.

There is a rising ambition in you to close the doors of the past, reconcile the injustices of the past, verbally clear the decks and feel free to walk down your own path.   As this negativity leaves you it will be easier for you to relax down and recharge your batteries.  Financially the horizon is looking good and there is a clear sky ahead.

Your heart is longing to express itself this New Year in fact it will be hard to keep you quiet or your passions hidden from view.  You will feel ready to take on anything new as we enter 2014, you are relaxed and in tune with the universe, so everything seems easier than normal.  Personal relationships, love and romance become sensuous and exciting.

It may feel like you have been through the mill, completely jigged up and about until all that you were clinging to have crumbled away. Even though you could feel vulnerable and exposed, an issue that was weighing you down, has been eradicated.  Everything is working out for you even if things seem confusing right now, you will begin 2014 with a fresh perception.

Adventure comes your way and gives you a chance to do the extraordinary.  A change of plan is likely and if you go with the flow you will find that this unpredictable turn of events becomes a voyage of discovery.  A person from the past may get in touch, some unfinished business that needs sorting out but if you meet it with a spirit of compromise much can be achieved. 


Insights are causing you to become much more aware of the real reasons, motivations and actions of others.  This will allow you to invest your energy in the places that support where you are heading versus where you have been.  Foresight is a valuable skill and you will be feeling grounded enough to be able to access this quality.  Unpredictable tides in early 2014 will not throw you off course.


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