Tasks and chores will seem easier this week so make the most of this energy to get tedious tasks done.  Allow relationships to take their natural course and go with the flow however unusual it all may seem.  Your romantic life can be electrifying and you will find collaboration with a loved one effortless.  A commitment from you may be forthcoming as you will be looking at making long term plans. 

If you have feelings of doubt building up then you need to ask yourself why?  There is a fabulous opportunity for you to empower yourself and to deepen and heal your relationships; however, you may sabotage this influence through feelings of uncertainty.  With a carefree attitude you can handle most things that come your way and there is an indicator that happiness, pleasure and joy are just around the corner.

Many things have fallen by the wayside for you lately but now it is the moment where you can show that you are serious about your ultimate place on the path.  By spending time on the things that matter to you will allow others to see where your real passions lie.  It may mean that you will be moving in a different direction from others, so the key is not to turn a blind eye to the struggles they face and not to lose sight of your own needs and desires.

There is growth to be found this week within all of your committed relationships and unresolved pieces of the past will give you clues on how to progress.   Make sure you are direct and to the point and do not side step issues as you will feel stronger and free for doing so.  Inner talents are waking up and your awareness and observations are spot on.

This is a time to review what it is you really want and need.  All that was broken in the past can be mended and you are able to gain more balance and meaning in your life.  Emotionally this can feel like an upheaval as your thoughts align with your feelings.  You may want to hibernate for a while until the stormy weather has passed; however, the universe is asking you to take a long hard look as you reach a turning point in your life.

You do not want to have to rely on others like you have in the past and one focus of the moment is to put in place schemes that will enable you to be independent.  The more you get done this week the more rewards you will find.  You could find yourself becoming quite an organizer and being the one that comes up with the positive ideas for change.
It takes a lot for you to reach the end of your tether but this week you have arrived at the limit of your tolerance levels with one particular person or situation.  At the moment with the help of Mars you have immense courage and spirit to make your point heard and others will know that you mean business; it is through this new approach that many opportunities can come your way. 

Putting into place routine and incorporating activities that you enjoy, so that you are able to strike a better balance, is a focus for you right now.   Your creativity and ideas are ready to be set into motion and you will find yourself being swept along so speedily that little things can turn into major accomplishments.

There may be something that you do not really want to do and this is making you hesitate in an area in which you are normally enthusiastic; in reality you are aware that you have to go through this in order to receive your remuneration.  The key is to relax and keep a cool head - no-one expects you to know all the answers all of the time. 

You have the motivation and inherent strength and determination to rise above your current conditions and limitations.  This is an empowering week for you where new beginnings are ready to emerge as you release an emotional restriction that has held you back.   Some relationships may still have a hold over you but it is easier to climb above the chaos.

Any possibility is within your grasp, all that went unrewarded in the past is now coming your way, if you felt like you had been forgotten; now you know that you are remembered and feel appreciated.  There has been a lot that you have felt has been out of your control and any feelings of regret are asking to be laid to rest.  Your passions are high and you may feel unusually spontaneous.

It is up to you to initiate the new action that you know needs to take place, perhaps you have resisted something for a while and now it is likely that you will be pushed into making a change.  If you trust in taking action on the things that you are clear about and then leave the outcome to reveal itself. Intense passion is welling up from within as your fire is being fuelled, it is going to get hot.



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