
Showing posts from November, 2012


ARIES You are on fire this week and there is no stopping you from achieving all that you desire.   With all this heat you need to be careful that you do not burn yourself out and make sure that you have adequate rest even when you are on a roll.   Something is definitely on a roll and you are constantly inspired to push ahead as it is likely to mean a lot to you.   You long and yet fear these changes that are occurring as they ignite the very depths of your being. TAURUS Your horizons are opening up and life is far from how it was a year ago, opportunities for expansion are looming, a chance to grow and move in a different way than you have known before.   It is like you have been restricted until now and someone has given you a green light to explore avenues and increase your higher learning.   Embrace all that is coming your way and let it feed your soul, the changes ahead bring luck and joy to you and all those that you choose to share your life with. GEMINI Travel i