You are literally buzzing this week, awake, alert and aware of all that is going on around you.  As you are so hyped up it would be wise to also remain aware of the effect you are having on others, in other words check that you do not impulsively say things you may regret later.  This is a super social party time when you ooze confidence and charisma making you the life and soul.

There are many factors to take into consideration this week and most of it is in the hands of others and beyond your ability to control.   You still need to remain focused at the moment even though there is no way of speeding things up, however, negotiations may play a part still.  Home life is now extremely important to you and others may need your support and advice. 

There is a lot going on at home when you will want to use this time to straighten things out and get back on track again.  Those skills that have not been used for a while will surface making you feel like you have been reborn, you will be amazed at how quickly you re-remember.  You can do more with less effort.  Everything is starting to speed up especially now that you know the direction you need to advance in. 

It may be difficult to concentrate this week and you could find it takes a lot of effort to get things moving.  It seems that regardless of what you do or how much work and effort you put in, that others will expect even more from you.  Every cloud has a silver lining though and there will be developments and options for you to choose from in the near future. 

Venturing out in new directions is the flavour of the week; there are signs and indications that personal success is yours to claim once you embrace the unknown.  What you reap you sow even if you do not see instant results - things just seem to work out in your favour.  Do not be too frivolous with money right now as there could be an impulse to spend what you cannot afford.

On the surface it appears that everything seems to go wrong this week but just as you think there is no way out, lady luck shines down on you and all slots into place.  In fact you may attract jealousy and envy from others at your current good fortune.  There could be a new job on the horizon or if you are self employed your reputation will flourish attracting more business your way.

There are things that need to be dealt with that you could have been putting off, now is the time to close one door and allow another to open.  Verify all the facts, figures and promises of the past and make those serious decisions you have been weighing up.  Pay close attention to what is going on around you as much information is likely to be uncovered.

Your blood could boil from time to time this week, so continue to count to 10 and allow yourself time to simmer down.  This is all about handling your stress in a more productive way.  Your challenge here is to hold the line and not get too carried away as everyone is looking in your direction trying to figure out what you are going to do next.  Whatever you do though indicates positive results and success.

Romance intensifies and you will feel compelled to go the distance, if you are single you could meet someone new and find that you just ‘click’ with this person.  If in a relationship then the sky is the limit and pulling together you will find that you can achieve long term gains.  It may not necessarily be easy as there could be some initial tension to work through but reassurance will tip the scales in your direction.

Major changes could be occurring in your domestic set up, whether it is renovations or moving, or getting things prepared for some occasion, there is a lot of daily work going on.  Socially your home could become popular with an increase in visitors; the acquaintances that you meet now could benefit your plans for the future.

The emotional readjustments have left you feeling in far more control of your reactions and you will be finding a balance between your work and home life.  Relationship challenges may have to be dealt with but there will be rewards once a confrontation has taken place.  Perhaps you are both saying the same thing really but communication has caused misunderstandings. 

There is so much that needs to be done particularly to do with home and family that it can get overwhelming.  You could be redecorating your house or putting in place a financial budget for the future.  Find simple ways to give yourself space this week, treat yourself with the same kindness you show others.  Any problems are likely to work themselves out with time.



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