The Academy of I: Crow Moon or (sap moon) in Virgo – March 12th 2017...

For many of us the Virgo Full Moon will bring a sense of groundedness to our lives, if we have been feeling overwhelmed with the Pisces influence, the emotions will regulate with the winds of reason.   It will be easier to take practical methodical action, in fact we will want to be more industrious and have a desire to serve the greater good.  All that has built within our imaginations over the past few weeks will now have a chance to manifest.    Revealing your work to others can help healing occur for yourself and for those that it is aimed at.  This crow moon is the effect of all that has been building within; using this energy constructively by applying the Virgo ‘lantern of reason’ to situations allows us to make sense of our deeper feelings. 

Cathy Stronach at  Subscribe at: 


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