
Virgo 2020

Virgo 2020 by Cathy Stronach Your Virgo highlights for the Year Ahead #Virgo #Zodiac #Romper #2020 #Horoscopes

LEO 2020

LEO 2020 by Cathy Stronach Your Leo highlights for the year ahead #Leo #Zodiac #Romper #2020 #Horoscopes

Solar Eclipse

New Moon on Thursday, December 26, 2019, at 4° Capricorn is an annular Solar Eclipse. This Solar Eclipse is bountiful because the Sun and Moon align with Jupiter, the planet of growth, abundance and expansion.  #capricorn   #zodiac   #solareclipse   #jupiter   #12shininglanterns   #ringoffire   #winterseason   #newmoon

Lantern of Freedom - Aquarius

#astrology #zodiac #Epictetus #Lanternoffreedom #truth #clarity #aquarius

The gap between nature and ourselves is widening.

"There has never been a time when more people are out of touch with the natural world than there is now"  Sir David Attenborough #astrology #wheeloftheyear #stoic #davos #davidattenborough #naturallaw #humannature #environment #philosophy #aquarius #4elements #sunsigns

Under Pressure!

With so many Planets in Capricorn find out how to work with those tricky Capricorn Energies FREE; http:// /   Follow the Sun's journey with me. #astrology #zodiac #CapricornSeason #wheeloftheyear #sunsign #stoic #horoscopes #pagan #Epictetus #Aquarius

Winter Solstice 2018 - Sun enters Capricorn

Winter Solstice 2018 – Sun moves into Capricorn 21 st December marking the longest night of the year.  The skies will be lit up with a full ‘cold’ moon in Cancer on 22 nd (Capricorn’s opposite sign) initiating the beginning of the coldest part of the year.  The combination is rare that the two fall together in this way.  It occurred in 2010 and the next time will be 2094.  Add the Ursid meteor shower that will peak over these two days bringing a spectacular sky of shooting stars. We move into hibernation where growth appears to stop but although on the surface there is no growth to be seen, beneath the ground the roots are conserving their energy.   This period of dormancy, where plants are ticking over but not growing, comes with the falling temperatures and reduced day length that winter brings.  This dormancy is part of a housekeeping exercise, metabolising at low levels, to help plants gear up for warmer days ahead.  So it is with Capricorn the Lantern of Self Discipline