HOROSCOPES FOR WEEK COMMENCING JUNE 27th 2012 www.cathystronach.com

Unresolved issues or things that you feel unclear about need to be put on the table and dealt with, as you complete those conversations and resolve outstanding issues, your connections will improve.  Take that courage and confidence that is rising within you, allow those leadership skills to come to the fore and you will find that all your actions bring about excellent results.  You may find that you are dragged into an argument that is not yours - maintain objectivity in this scenario.

Tremendous financial opportunities are about to appear in your life, new projects started now are likely to take shape in a big way bringing major rewards later on.  The knock on result affects your personal and home life.  You need a good solid base and foundation to feel secure and anything you can do to stabilise your life will bring you rewards almost immediately.  Plan for the future, follow your dreams and make it all happen.

Slow down Gemini and then you won’t miss the opportunities that are about to pass you by.  As you seize the moment and recognise the abundance that is coming your way, you will find that small steps lead to a sure thing.  At the moment you have amazing concentration levels and you can perform any task with precision and accuracy.  Listen closely to what others are saying and question yourself just in case there is some stubbornness that could be holding you back.

Trust your judgement and instincts when it comes to recognising the value of something, you are spot on and can see the things that are worth putting energy into and those that will waste your time.  This is a great week to get out and about, meet new people and have a good time, keep your mood light and upbeat and others will radiate towards your energy.  Some relationship stress is likely; this is encouraging you to make better choices, whilst under emotional pressure.

You may feel isolated in some way right now, cut off from others, but in your heart you know that you must keep moving forward.  Even if others don’t understand now, they will catch up and realise how right your instincts were.  Take the risks and chances that you know are right for you and refuse to follow the crowd.  You are Leo the Leader and sometimes being in that position can be a lonely place.  It won’t be for long, people cannot resist being drawn towards your warm flame. 

Make every moment count Virgo, life is too short.  It is all about making the best of things and doing your best not to trip up when the going gets tough.  You will be weighing things in the balance this week, defining what holds meaning for you and how you intend to invest your energy in the future.  In fact you could be feeling quite serious about it all, be in the now and make the changes as you see fit, it is all a process of getting things ready for the next phase.

Isn’t life comfortable right now?  You could find yourself caught up in reasons and excuses in order to prevent you from moving forward in your life.  There is more yet to come though, all you have to do is admit to yourself that you may have been wrong about certain things, then fix them and you will find that through a chain reaction, life moves you to a new arena.  However, when you are stubborn everything becomes stuck.  Prepare to move mountains this week.

Have an open mind this week and you will find you are able to adapt and flow with the current changes far easier.  Sometimes it is a matter of reducing things to their simplest conditions in order to find the clear and correct path through the jungle.  When we are overwhelmed with numerous details it is hard to see the wood for the trees.  Go that extra mile, do the right thing and your personal relationships will begin to flourish. 

Wherever you have felt fed up or pushed to beyond all endurance, an inner rebellion is now in place, soon to result in an outer reality of inevitable change.  Make sure that you do not have expectations regarding another as this can lead to misunderstandings.  Create some quality time to spend with a loved one and you will be encouraging a positive revitalisation in your relationship.  It might be a good time to remember your dreams and who shares in them.

The tide has finally turned in your favour and everything is pottering along nicely.  As you put the effort and dedication into what you love doing and go the distance the rewards and benefits are immense. Your personal magnetism is high right now and others will be attracted to you.  You could be in the proximity of someone who is going through a bad time; they may need your listening ear and calm advice.  Habits are likely to be broken as you focus on your goals.

As you progress further along the path you wish to go down and start to be successful there is always someone who will challenge you, on a positive note, this helps clarify whether it is worth the effort to defend your actions and carry on - or whether to give up and change direction.  It all depends on how much you want it. Everything happens for a reason and some new information is likely to be revealed putting you in a position of power.

When you give to others what they want and need from you instead of what you want to give them, the talents and abilities you never knew you had, or had forgotten you had, will rise to the fore.  The insights you have are spot-on and need to be shared with others in a major way.  You are emotionally being strengthened from the inside out, with your heart and mind co-operating in sync.  Remain flexible and adaptable to whatever crosses your path. 


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